Cannot be Upgraded
Note: this file is ONLY for the device which cannot be upgraded successfully via the ROAV App. Please download the R2110_V7.6.rar first, unzip this document and you will get the "FW96658A.bin" file. After that, please follow the steps below to upgrade the system:
- Take out the SD/TF card from your Dashcam.
- Read the SD/TF card on your computer via a card reader and copy the "FW96658A.bin" file into the root folder of your SD/TF card (not any sub-folder).
- Make sure the Dash Cam is turned off, and then insert the SD/TF card into it.
- Connect the Dashcam with an external power supply(such as an external battery or a wall charger.). Wait for a few seconds. The indicator on the side button will have a slowly flashing red light first and then a quickly flashlight red light until it turns on automatically. (If the indicator doesn’t light up, please press the reset hole.)
- When the Dashcam turns on, it means the system is upgraded successfully. You can check it and see if the new system is V7.6
Notice: During the process of system upgrading, please do not press the power button.