Cannot be Upgraded

Note: this file is ONLY for the device which cannot be upgraded successfully via the ROAV App.
Please download the R2110_V7.6.rar first, unzip this document and you will get the "FW96658A.bin"  file.
After that, please follow the steps below to upgrade the system:


  1. Take out the SD/TF card from your Dashcam.
  2. Read the SD/TF card on your computer via a card reader and copy the "FW96658A.bin"  file into the root folder of your SD/TF card (not any sub-folder).
  3. Make sure the Dash Cam is turned off, and then insert the SD/TF card into it.
  4. Connect the Dashcam with an external power supply(such as an external battery or a wall charger.). Wait for a few seconds. The indicator on the side button will have a slowly flashing red light first and then a quickly flashlight red light until it turns on automatically. (If the indicator doesn’t light up, please press the reset hole.)
  5. When the Dashcam turns on, it means the system is upgraded successfully. You can check it and see if the new system is V7.6


Notice: During the process of system upgrading, please do not press the power button.